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Our region, Our People: Meet Project Lead Kristie
Young girl treated for croup at Townsville Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (UCC) as it continues to…

NQPHN uses groundbreaking AI voice technology to regist...
GoShare Voice helps practices identify patients eligible for voluntary registration

Share your experience of child immunisation services in...
The rates of children who are fully vaccinated across our region has been declining over recent…

Aged care vaccination program through pharmacies helps ...
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) has announced the successful execution of its…

70 family carers upskill to help loved ones with dement...
NQPHN partners with HammondCare to bring Last Days Dementia workshops to North Queensland

Connect to Wellbeing transitions to Head to Health Phon...
NQPHN announces Primary and Community Care Services as the provider for North Queensland

NQPHN announces 17 providers to deliver codesigned Ment...
Redesigned mental health services will help community members access more timely care

New telehealth initiative helps aged care home resident...
NQPHN rolls out 36 telehealth carts to RACHs in North Queensland