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As part of NQPHN’s strategic objective to strengthen northern Queensland’s primary health care sector, we would like to capture education and event suggestions for considering in continuing professional development (CPD) planning.

NQPHN aims to deliver education and events in alignment with the Strategic Plan, and the Health Needs Assessment Key Priorities Summary 2022-24.

Requests must be in alignment with the Strategic Plan or HNA Key Priorities Summary as minimum criteria to progress further. Please complete all sections of this form for your educational event submission to be reviewed by the NQPHN Workforce Development team.

Before you complete this request, could the following information help:


Contact details

Location (Hospital and Health Service area)

Education / event request details

Proposed timeframe?
Proposed location
(e.g. general practitioners, aged care providers, nurses, practice administration staff, tender applicants, allied health professionals)
Which NQPHN health priority area(s) does your request relate to?
Should this request consider a multidisciplinary approach?
Should we consider forming a Project ECHO group to support this topic?
If applicable, upload supporting documentation such as a flyer, brochure, or other information.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Enter the characters shown in the image.
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