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NQPHN vacancies
To apply for a role at Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN), please submit a resume and cover letter addressing each of the key selection criteria for the role you are applying for.
View NQPHN job vacancies and apply, here.
Salary sacrifice benefits
An additional benefit of working for NQPHN is that we offer salary packaging solutions (also known as salary sacrifice).
You can contribute a sum of money from your pre-tax salary each Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year, which is 1 April to 31 March. This can be used for everyday expenses such as mortgage, bills, loan, credit card repayments, shopping, groceries and even petrol.
NQPHN chooses to salary package through Eziway.
Organisational chart
View NQPHN's organisational chart, here.
23 October 2024
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