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QI Activity: Pneumococcal Vaccination Recall Program fo...
General practices are invited to register to participate in a Pneumococcal Vaccination Recall…
Conversations about death and dying should be part of l...
Events provide a safe space for community members to talk
Care finders connect to better support vulnerable older...
Workshop gives attendees strategies to help those in need access appropriate services
70 family carers upskill to help loved ones with dement...
NQPHN partners with HammondCare to bring Last Days Dementia workshops to North Queensland
NQPHN announces lead providers for new Care Finder prog...
North Queensland’s older persons to receive specialist face-to-face support to improve health
290+ North Queenslanders register for Health Community ...
More workshops planned as part of Compassionate Communities movement
Aged care future lies in digital health technologies ...
Telehealth will improve care for older persons when appropriate
Plan to create Compassionate Communities in the north ...
Groups to offer grass roots level care to elderly and dying people