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Medicine shortages
A medicine shortage occurs when there is unlikely to be enough of a medicine in Australia for the people who need to take it. Suppliers must report shortages of prescription medicines and a small number of over-the-counter medicines to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
TGA Medicine shortage reports database
The TGA medicine shortage reports database includes information about shortages of reportable medicines in Australia, including those arising from the discontinuation of products.
You can use this page to search for all medicines in shortage and find information about management actions, including supply of overseas alternative medicines.
Useful links
- Information about medicine shortages is available at the TGA Medicine Shortages hub
- Accessing medicines during a medicine shortage
- Information for health professionals
Subscribe to Medicine Shortages updates
You can subscribe to TGA Medicine Shortages Email Alerts or the TGA Medicine Shortages RSS feed for frequently updated information.
18 December 2024
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