How can we help you today?
As part of our quality system, a feedback process has been introduced to enable us to better understand:
- what we are doing well
- what could be improved
- what else we can do to ensure our community and stakeholders receive appropriate service, information, and support.
Your feedback is important to us, and we appreciate your time to provide it to us. All feedback will be treated confidentially.
If you wish to contact us about any of the following NQPHN activities, please email us at
- general NQPHN activities
- online error/incorrect information.
If you have a complaint to make about a health or wellbeing service in the region, please contact the provider directly to attempt to resolve the matter.
If you wish to make a complaint or compliment about Northern Queensland PHN, please email us at
We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days. Alternatively, please mail to:
Northern Queensland PHN
PO Box 7812
Cairns City, Qld 4870
Anonymous feedback can also be provided by letter, addressed to the above.
Click here to view NQPHN's Feedback, Compliments, and Complaints Policy.
Click here to view NQPHN's Feedback, Compliments, and Complaints Procedure.
If you are not satisfied with that avenue, you can contact The Office of the Health Ombudsman at or the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
The PHNs Program Complaints Policy provides clear advice to members of the public on how and where to direct any concerns in relation to the PHN Program. View the complaints policy on the Department of Health’s PHN website here.
Whistleblowers help maintain and implement Northern Queensland Primary Health Network’s (NQPHN’s) values and integrity. NQPHN is committed to adhering to its statutory obligations, rules, and values. We are committed to providing those involved with our organisation a safe environment to raise breaches of internal rules or policy, or disclosable matters relating to the organisation, employees, or members.
We have engaged Your Call, an external whistleblowing hotline and online service, to give our stakeholders an opportunity to speak up about dishonesty, fraud, unsafe environments, unethical and other inappropriate behaviour or misconduct. Your Call aligns with our Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure.
More information on whistleblower protection can be found on the ASIC website.