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Displaying 9 - 13 of 13 results
Osteoporosis education workshop

Osteoporosis education elevates proactive health screen...

General practices across the Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) footprint joined…

GP Focus Group EOI

GP Focus Group EOI

Have your say on the future of general practice in North Queensland

Osteoporosis education workshop - TSV 27.04.22

Supporting general practice nurses across North Queensl...

General practice staff and nurses from across the Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN…

Practice Managers Networking Breakfast Cairns - 1 of 3

Supporting Cairns primary healthcare professionals with...

Practice managers, nurses, and clinical staff from general practices and medical services across…

Nicole, Graham and George

Win for primary care workforce in Mackay

Local general practices are now able to better respond to workforce needs through reclassification…

Have your say
As part of our quality system, a feedback process has been introduced to enable us to better understand what we are doing well and what we can improve.