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Displaying 1 - 8 of 353 results
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) allied health provider organisations digital capability grants

Digital capability grants up to $10,000 available now ...

Allied health provider organisations can apply for a grant to enhance their digital health…

True Relationships and Reproductive Health general practitioner Dr Samantha Olliver is passionate about helping women and gender-diverse people with endometriosis and pelvic pain.

Our Region, Our People: Meet Pyper

A Cairns woman is no longer scared to see her doctor about her endometriosis and pelvic pain

Team photo of Ingham Family Medical Practice staff

Ingham’s general practices rise to the challenge to pro...

In the wake of the devastating recent floods which swept through Northern Queensland, the town of…

Social emotional wellbeing counsellor Augustin Meegavel is living and working in Aurukun after receiving a relocation incentive package through the Rural Workforce Enhancement Program.

Our Region, Our People: Meet Augustin

Primary care professional finds fulfillment living and working in Aurukun

Health professional

Women in health spotlight: Health professionals

International Women's Day edition

Women in health

Women in health spotlight: NQPHN staff

International Women's Day edition

NQPHN prepares for its first Board meeting of the year, it welcomes two new Directors, Tanika Parker and Michelle Hardy, and farewells one of its long-standing members.

Two new Board Directors join Northern Queensland PHN ...

After 10 years, one of the first Directors says goodbye

NQPHN CEO Ben Tooth (left), Mind Australia Chief Executive Officer Gill Callister, and CHHHS Chief Executive Leena Singh.

NQPHN announces service provider for new Cairns Medicar...

Mind Australia will run the free service to support people in distress, crisis, or during life’s “…

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As part of our quality system, a feedback process has been introduced to enable us to better understand what we are doing well and what we can improve.