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Benefits of accreditation include:
- quality and safe service provision
- patient confidence
- reduced business risk
- eligibility for PIP and other schemes
- Quality Improvement (QI) and CPD points
- maintained regulatory requirements and national standards.
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) does not provide direct support for accreditation. For general practice, we endorse the use of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for general practices (5th Edition), which are available, along with many complimentary resources, on their website.
General practices can achieve accreditation against these Standards from an independent accreditation agency. For more information, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality Health Care administer the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme which supports the consistent assessment of Australian General Practices against the standards.
Australia’s general practice accreditation bodies are:
Other Australian primary care accreditation bodies include:
Accreditation works on a three-year cycle, meaning your practice will require an onsite assessment once every three years, unless an issue is identified, or you relocate.
It’s important that you register for accreditation 12 months prior to your current accreditation expiring. New practices have one year to obtain accreditation after their registration date.
The accreditation visit is carried out by at least two qualified health workers, as part of a peer review process.
If your clinic fails to meet a standard, you will have a chance to carry out improvement activities. There are a large range of possible non-compliances such as poor medical records, poor maintenance, poor storage, poor handover processes, missing documentation, or expired products.