How can we help you today?
Study bursary opportunity for primary care professionals
The opportunity to apply for a bursary to participate in a three-month Certified Health Informatician of Australasia (CHIA) program is now open to general practitioners (GPs), allied health practitioners, general practice nurses, and primary care practice teams that meet the eligibility criteria.
01/06/2023 - 14:48
Mackay doctors briefed on advances in pain management
Recent breakthroughs in the treatment of chronic back pain and other pain conditions have been outlined to Mackay general practitioners and other healthcare professionals at an educational dinner.
30/09/2022 - 11:23
Virtual Classroom Sessions
The Australian Digital Health Agency has released its latest Education and Adoption update which includes a virtual classroom sessions schedule.
13/12/2021 - 10:20
Educational resources for frontline primary care staff
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) recently partnered with Larter Consulting to host education sessions for frontline primary care staff across the Mackay, Townsville, and Cairns regions.
10/12/2021 - 9:30
QScript Learning Portal now available
To assist health practitioners in the use of QScript, the QScript Learning Portal was launched on the 28 June 2021.
29/06/2021 - 14:02
Education for doctors to become a provider of medical termination
Since legislative change in October 2018, more Queensland Health employees have expressed an interest in becoming providers of medical termination.
23/04/2021 - 13:08
Paediatric Trauma: Online CPD for General Practitioners
General Practitioners are invited to upskill in the area of Paediatric Trauma with six hours of 'learn at your own pace' video based education.
29/03/2021 - 11:47
E-Commerce Grants and Investment-Readiness Workshops
A new grants program has opened aimed at helping Queensland export businesses better sell their products online to overseas customers.
25/03/2021 - 9:09
Course on Genetic Pregnancy
The Mobile Learning Unit, from the University of Melbourne, have developed a course on Genetics in Pregnancy which is developed as a joint initiative between the Mobile Learning Unit, Melbourne Medical School, Mercy Perinatal, Mercy Hospital for Women, Monash IVF Group, and the Murdoch Children's Research Institute Reproductive Epidemiology Group.
04/03/2021 - 8:40
Review of renal education material for clinicians, patients, and carers
In 2020, the Statewide Renal Clinical Network (SReCN) endorsed the formation of a Statewide Renal Education Working Group (SREG) to develop standardised, contemporary education material for clinicians, patients, and carers.
26/02/2021 - 11:42