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Study bursary opportunity for primary care professionals

Published 01 June 2023

The opportunity to apply for a bursary to participate in a three-month Certified Health Informatician of Australasia (CHIA) program is now open to general practitioners (GPs), allied health practitioners, general practice nurses, and primary care practice teams that meet the eligibility criteria.

CHIA study bursary 2023.

NQPHN will provide funding for up to six primary care health professionals to complete a CHIA study program in an effort to build the digital health workforce capacity and capability in the northern Queensland region. To check your eligibility and express interest, complete this form by 23 June 2023.

The CHIA credential is a national certification that validates experience, knowledge, and skills in health informatics (HI). CHIA covers knowledge and skills in health sciences, information science, leadership and management, data, information technology (IT), and core HI principals. With the continuous growth of digital health across Australia, there are a wide range of positions that draw on health informatics.   

This program is designed to benefit individuals whose work involves: 
  • managing healthcare information (clinicians, health information managers, technical support staff) 
  • creating, managing, and analysing data in healthcare 
  • working with IT in healthcare 
  • selling/marketing IT in healthcare 
  • implementing process or system changes that involve IT 
  • designing health IT products, services, or processes 
  • working with clinicians on implementing or improving how IT is used in their health service 
  • change management in healthcare 
  • educating/training anyone who does the above. 

You can read about the eligibility criteria here

Further information

What can I expect from the CHIA program? 

The CHIA program examination has been designed to adhere to the Australian Health Informatics Competency Framework. CHIA is not a training course, but rather a credentialing program. If accepted, the study period will commence between July and September 2023. You will be provided with a study guide and textbook, and have 90 days to engage in self-directed study. Upon completion of the program, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with your colleagues and benefit from each other's HI and digital health skills. 

What are the benefits? 

  1. Build capability: Improve your knowledge in digital health and health informatics. 
  2. Better work: Collaboration with colleagues improves the digital health capabilities of the team. 
  3. Credibility: Have your knowledge and skills nationally certified and recognised. 
  4. Exclusivity: Access to the CHIA Alumni and our community of peers and experts. 
  5. Career growth: Some organisations desire the CHIA certification. 

To express interest, complete this form by 23 June 2023. Recipients will be notified by 30 June 2023 if they have been accepted into the CHIA program.

The CHIA program is delivered and managed by the Australasian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH). More information can be found on the CHIA website, in the FAQ document, or by emailing

Last updated: 01 June 2023

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