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Primary Sense: the first Nurse Prompt is now available

Published 26 August 2024

Primary Sense’s first Nurse Prompt has now been activated.


The development of Nurse Prompts is a response to a high volume of requests to provide nurses with the ability to receive their own set of prompts - tailored specifically to their needs.

As with GP Prompts, Nurse Prompts are intended to focus on the most at-risk patients and provide on screen prompts to highlight potential gaps in care, including use of the Johns Hopkins complexity and hospital risk scores. Over time, as more nurse prompts are developed, Primary Sense will allow for up to three items to be displayed at a time; these will be ordered by clinical priority.

Child Due Vaccination is the latest Nurse Prompt to become available.

A Nurse Prompt will only generate when a nurse (who has the desktop application installed, and is logged in to the clinical software) opens the patient’s record.

The Child Due Vaccination prompt will trigger for patients aged under five years who are currently due or overdue for a vaccination and will also display (where available) the due date and the date of the last vaccination dose. (Note: due dates are guidelines only, based on recommendations from the Department of Health and Aged Care).


Primary Sense Nurse prompt article

Actions available for Nurse Prompts are:

  • Agree – Action
    • The prompt is appropriate and will be actioned.
  • Agree – Override
    • The prompt is appropriate, but will not be actioned.
  • Next Time
    • The prompt is appropriate, but the user would like to be reminded/prompted again the next time the patient’s record is opened.
  • Wrong
    • The prompt is not appropriate for this patient. When this action is chosen, the user is encouraged to submit a comment; this comment can then be used to update the logic of Primary Sense for all users.
  • Dismiss
    • This action is for prompts that are part of a series; (i.e. prompts for vaccinations that require multiple doses, where each dose can potentially trigger a separate iteration of the prompt). Selecting the ‘Dismiss’ option, which will disable the entire series of prompts for the patient, rather than just the prompt for the current dose.
  • More Info
    • Displays the rationale behind the prompt, as well as links to relevant literature.

Once again, as per GP prompts, Nurse Prompts will stay visible for three minutes. Users can exit the prompt by selecting one of the actions, by selecting “Prompt not meant for me”, or by clicking close (the “x” symbol in the top right corner of the prompt window). It is important to note that selecting any action other than “next time” or “prompt not meant for me” will disable the prompt for the patient for 12 months.

For more information about using Primary Sense, or if you would like Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) to deliver a Primary Sense demo at your practice, please contact the NQPHN Primary Sense team at or on (07) 4034 0300.  

If you would like to have the desktop application installed for your nurses, please contact us or contact your IT provider directly.

Last updated: 26 August 2024