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Queensland Health's The Viewer is a secure, statewide system that enables healthcare providers to access a patient’s comprehensive health records.

These records may include previous hospital visits, test results, medication history, and other clinical data. It is part of Queensland Health’s strategy to provide more integrated care by ensuring that healthcare providers can quickly access critical information when needed, leading to better-informed decisions about patient care. The Viewer allows healthcare professionals to view the patient's clinical history without having to request this information from different hospitals or clinics.

Accessed through the Health Provider Portal, the read-only online access allows general practitioners, specialists, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, optometrists, and paramedics to securely view public hospital information, including appointment records, radiology and laboratory results, treatment and discharge summaries, and demographic and medication details.  

Upcoming changes to QGov: Understanding your transition  

Access to QGov is changing

In early 2025, the Queensland Government will be retiring QGov accounts, so users with a QGov account will need to transition to the Queensland Digital Identity (QDI) to access The Viewer. The QDI system is modern, robust, and innovative, using the latest technology to safeguard your private information.  

QGov account owners with a Digital License app (DLA) won’t have to take any actions if the details used for both accounts (first name, surname, date of birth, and email ID) match, as your QGov account will automatically be merged with your QDI.  

Transitioning from the QGov identity system 

If you're using, or have previously used, the Digital Licence app, you already have a QDI. The way your existing QGov accounts change will depend on their current setup. Check Queensland Governments Checklist for your transition to QDI to identify what you need to do before the transition by visiting their website below. 

Helpful resources  

A library of easy to follow how-to-videos are available on the Qld Health website to guide you on:  

  • creating a Health Provider Portal account  
  • signing into the Health Provider Portal 
  • searching for your patients in Health Provider Portal 
  • viewing patient healthcare information in Health Provider Portal 
  • navigating the viewer in Health Provider Portal.

Contact details

Still have a question? Email for assistance or if you would like to register for The Viewer.  

07 February 2025