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What are electronic prescriptions (ePrescriptions)?  
  • Electronic prescriptions are an alternative option for prescribers and their patients to use an electronic prescription rather than a paper prescription. 
  • Previously, only a paper prescription signed by a prescriber was the legal form by which medicines could be supplied.  
  • Changes to Commonwealth legislation commenced on 31 October 2019, recognising an electronic prescription as an alternative legal form for supplying medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). 
  • Patients and prescribers will be able to choose between a paper OR an electronic prescription but not both for the same item. 
  • A token contains a unique QR code that can only be ‘unlocked’ by the pharmacy using conformant dispensing software.  
  • A unique token will be generated for each item prescribed electronically and each repeat issued by the dispensing pharmacy.  
Benefits of electronic prescriptions  

The benefits extend to the patient, healthcare provider and, more broadly, the healthcare system. These include:  

  • provides an alternative choice for patients and can be a more convenient option 
  • supplements delivery of telehealth services to ensure continuity of patient care  
  • provides an opportunity to protect community members and healthcare providers from exposure to infectious diseases (such as COVID-19)  
  • maintains patient privacy and integrity of personal information through token encryptions and data protection measures  
  • reduces the risk of lost paper prescriptions 
  • reduces administrative burden for healthcare providers and organisations. 

A token is sent via SMS or email (can also be printed on paper but not encouraged) and it contains a unique QR Code for a medicine.  

Each medicine has its own token that must be shown at the ‘script in’ counter. So, if two medicines are to be dispensed, the pharmacy will need to scan two tokens. A token is more suited for one-off prescriptions or for people who do not have many prescriptions. For people who have many prescriptions, the Active Script List is the best option. 

Pharmacies must provide the patient with a new repeat token (SMS, email, or printed on paper). 

“If the prescription for the pharmaceutical benefit is an electronic prescription—attach or link, by electronic means, the repeat authorisation to the electronic prescription and ensure that the person to whom the pharmaceutical benefit is supplied is given a print-out of the repeat authorisation and prescription or is able to access the repeat authorisation and prescription." [National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Regulations 2017] 

  • When a script that has been cancelled by the prescriber, expired or dispensed by a pharmacy, the token is no longer available. When the link is accessed to view the token, these messages will appear: 
    • “the prescription has already expired”  
    • “has already been dispensed” 
    • “has been ceased by the GP”  
  • QR code won’t appear as it’s no longer valid, it will just display the relevant message. 

Electronic prescriptions can be used to prescribe all items, with the exception of complex authority prescription items, for which the paper prescription must be sent to Medicare for approval.  

To access the patients' medicines list:

  • select the medicine that you want to send a token for  
  • go to the ‘token’ drop down and choose from SMS, email or paper, whichever the patient prefers  
  • from there select the ‘eScript’ tab on the side to send the token 
  • double check and confirm the patient or carers phone number and email address are correct.

Normal process for prescribing Conformant EP software will allow prescribing a medicine as a traditional paper script as well as electronically.  

Go through authority number process: PBS authority prescriptions can be prescribed electronically where the approval code can be obtained at time of prescribing (e.g. Streamline authority code, HPOS, PBS phone authority), and added to prescription.  

When you are prescribing an electronic prescription for a medicine which requires an authority, it is important that you still follow your normal processes for either streamline authority numbers or non-streamlined authority numbers  

Review prescription and choose a method of delivery  

Always confirm the phone number/email address with the patient prior to submitting the electronic prescription for transmission. 

EP does not replace other systems used when prescribing/dispensing controlled drugs or drugs of dependence, such as real-time prescription monitoring (RPTM).

In some states/territories, having an authority/warrant number to prescribe restricted medicines may be a legislative requirement. This number must be included in the electronic prescription as a separate field or can be put into the ‘Note to pharmacist’ section. A pharmacist would not be able to dispense such a medicine if the required authority/permit number is missing. NOTE: Electronic prescriptions (like paper prescriptions) must comply with any additional State/Territory legislation.  

  • Your organisation should have a Healthcare Provider identifier – Organisation (HPI-O number). If you are registered with My Health Record system, you have a HPI-O number 
  • Valid NASH (National Authentication Service for Health) certificate 
  • Registered with eRX Script Exchange and set up ETP in your software.  
14 March 2025