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Update: Changes to Mental Health Stepped Care
Published 09 May 2024As you may be aware, Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) has been working to redesign mental health stepped care services in North Queensland. We'd like to provide you with an update on the progress of these changes, and our plans for stepped care over the coming months.

From 1 July 2024 the Stepped Care service model for northern Queensland is changing. This means current services will transition and look different in the new model. Changes aim to improve access, integration, and transitions of care. Access into Stepped Care services will also change. The Connect to Wellbeing intake and assessment service will transition to the Head to Health Phone Service, an existing service in the northern Queensland region. Changes are being implemented following a comprehensive codesign process.
In 2022, PwC Australia were engaged by Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) to undertake a comprehensive review of NQPHN’s mental health stepped care services. The review clearly identified opportunities for NQPHN to redesign mental health stepped care services to improve access, transitions in care, and integration.
From March to September 2023, NQPHN undertook a thorough process to redesign mental health stepped care services across the Cairns, Townsville, and Mackay regions. This redesign process involved people who use services, service providers, GPs, and other important stakeholders and included more than:
- 20 group workshops
- 40 other stakeholder meetings
- 580 points of engagement.
A new service model was developed, informed by the people involved in codesign and by current policy and evidence.
The new service model includes eight service offerings, underpinned by five key principles, whereby multiple providers work together to ensure easy access to services and coordinated support. This new model will take effect on 1 July 2024. The new stepped care service model has been informed and developed as a direct outcome of the codesign process. The eight service offerings include:
- Head to Health Phone Service
- Front Doors
- Journey Coordinator
- Regional Journey Coordinator Lead
- Psychological Therapies
- Clinical Care Coordination
- Suicide Prevention Response
- Service Hosts
These eight services will be funded by NQPHN. Further information about the new model and an outline of each of the service offerings can be found in a Stakeholder Summary Report on NQPHN’s website (NQPHN Stepped Care Summary Report.pdf). Further communication about what the services will look like will be provided closer to 1 July 2024. NQPHN will distribute this information via enewsletters to targeted mental health and key referral audiences and organisations involved in transition. NQPHN will also provide updates via NQPHN’s fortnightly NQ Primary Health Update newsletter, which can be subscribed to here.
From 1 July 2024 the Stepped Care service model for northern Queensland is changing. This means current services will transition and look different in the new model. Changes aim to improve access, integration, and transitions of care. Access into Stepped Care services will also change. The Connect to Wellbeing intake and assessment service will transition to the Head to Health Phone Service, an existing service in the northern Queensland region. Changes are being implemented following a comprehensive codesign process.
The existing stepped care model remains in place until 30 June 2024. Clients can continue to access services and providers can continue to make referrals. People who access services prior to 1 July and need support after 1 July will be supported to transition to ensure they receive continuity of care.
As of 1 July 2024, the Head to Health Phone Service will be the new intake service. Referrals sent to Connect to Wellbeing will be redirected to the Head to Health Phone Service for a period of time after 1 July 2024 to support transition. NQPHN is working proactively with current stepped care service providers delivering the Connect to Wellbeing intake and assessment service, Psychological Therapies, and Mental Health Integrated Care Coordination (MHICC) services to ensure the transition to the new model from 1 July 2024 is as smooth as possible, and that all current clients have ongoing care.
Queries from current stepped care service providers should be directed to MHAODcontracts@nqphn.com.au
Over the next two months NQPHN will provide more information in phases. NQPHN will shortly announce the service providers delivering the new model, followed by another update on the progress of the transition, and then in June 2024 will provide more information about the new service.
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