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Have your say on healthcare in our region

Published 18 June 2024

We want to hear from you!


Your voice is important! Help to identify the health needs and gaps in services experienced in your community by taking the online survey. Your unique perspectives and health experiences matter.

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) in collaboration with Torres and Cape Hospital Health Service (HHS), Cairns and Hinterland HHS, Townsville HHS, and Mackay HHS are working on identifying the health needs and service gaps within our region.

What is the Joint Regional Needs Assessment (JRNA)?

The JRNA is a requirement from the Commonwealth and State governments that helps us identify health needs and service gaps in our region. This information is essential for planning better health services and achieving improved outcomes for northern Queensland residents.

About the survey

The survey collects your opinions on the health and service needs of NQPHN residents. Your input is crucial as a key stakeholder in our region.

The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete and closes 14 July 2024.

JRNA survey

Privacy: Responses are anonymous and confidential. Contact details for future communications will only be used for the JRNA project purpose. Data will be accessed only by NQPHN’s Data and Intelligence team and hospital planning teams, and stored securely on NQPHN’s internal system.

We appreciate your participation and valuable insights in this process. Please share this email with your networks.

A stakeholder communication kit, including newsletter and social media copy and graphics, is available here.

For further information, visit or email

Last updated: 18 June 2024