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Mackay Mental Health Symposium
Sunday 23 February 2025
Northern Queensland Primary Health Network
To celebrate Mental Health Week 2023 (7-15 October), Mackay Hospital and Health Service (MHHS), together with Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) invite all healthcare professionals to the Mackay Mental Health Symposium.
Every year, Queensland Mental Health Week aims to highlight the importance of individual and community mental health and wellbeing.
This years theme ‘Awareness, Belonging, Connection’ shines a spotlight on important factors that contribute to maintaining positive mental health and wellbeing.
Guided by this year’s theme, the focus is on:
- service access points and the complexity of the local mental health care system
- prescription management in the community
- Doctors Health in Queensland and how to access support
- cultural approach to care for First Nations people.
Bursaries will be made available on application for practice nurses and general practitioners (GPs) wishing to travel in from the Isaac and Whitsunday regions.
We recommend GPs self-record for this event for 5.5 CPD hours.
Registrations close 4pm, Friday 13 October 2023.
Download flyer Last updated: Tuesday 05 September 2023