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Dr Sarah Coll’s Orthopaedic Series: Xray's for dummies - is it arthritis?
Monday 24 February 2025
Fixing Broekn Wings
Join Doctor Sarah Coll each month to discuss hands-on Orthopaedic topics!
These talks have been designed with GPs, Physios, OTs, GP Registrars, and Medical Students in mind.
This month she will be talking about Xray's for dummies - is it arthritis?. Please feel free to bring along any case studies or questions to discuss.
The series will be available via Zoom (ID: 889 6869 5729 Passcode: 037943) and Facebook Live, or join in person and enjoy some cheese and wine, upstairs at Grace House 2 Upward Street, Cairns North, Qld 4870.
Download flyer Last updated: Friday 01 October 2021