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Cairns Head to Health codesign
Thursday 06 March 2025
Cairns Head to Health is a new approach to supporting people with their mental health and wellbeing. The service provides a ‘no wrong door’ free service for people experiencing a mental health challenge, living with a mental illness, or wanting support for drug and alcohol matters.
Cairns Head to Health will provide a safe and welcoming space for people for people to receive information, treatment, and support. It will be a free service, with no appointment or referral needed. You can find more information about Head to Health at the upcoming event.
Since August, Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (CHHHS) have been engaging with the Cairns community to codesign Cairns Head to Health. We’ve connected with 120+ people and heard lots of great perspectives and gained insight into:
- Who Cairns Head to Health will support
- What it will look like
- What it will offer people who attend this service.
You will have an opportunity to provide further input on these topics, and to give us more information about how this service should operate.
Who should attend?
- Anyone with their own experience of mental health challenges, suicide, or alcohol and drug challenges
- Carers, friends, and kin who have supported someone who experiences mental health challenges, suicide, or alcohol and drug challenges
- Mental health service provider and sector workers
- Service providers and workers from other sectors, who have an interest in mental health for the people they work with
- Community members with an interest in Cairns Head to Health