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End of Life Law for clinicians

Posted Thursday 06 March 2025 | Mackay Base Hospital

Join Dr Shih-Ning Then as she delivers a session on End of Life Law for clinicians via Teams.

Dr Shih-Ning Then, Professor in the School of Law and Deputy Director of the Australian Centre for Health Law Research at the Queensland University of Technology, teaches and researches in the areas of health law and ethics.

She is an experienced socio-legal scholar who collaborates across disciplines in the areas of substituted and supported decision making for adults, end of life legal issues, organ and tissue donation and utilisation, and children in a health care context.

Since 2015, Shih-Ning has been part of the team delivering the Department of Health and Aged Care funded End of Life Law for clinicians (ELLC) project. ELLC delivers training to improve clinicians’ knowledge and awareness of end of life law through the provision of free online training modules.

To join the Teams meeting on the day, click here.

End of Life Law for clinicians

Last updated: Tuesday 07 November 2023

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