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2024 Pertussis Webinar

Posted Tuesday 10 September 2024 | Immunisation Coalition

This webinar will provide viewers with an update regarding pertussis epidemiology and current trends in vaccination rates.

Low pertussis booster rates in Australian adults impact the epidemiology of the disease. This webinar will explore what current literature indicates are the barriers and potential enablers to improving pertussis vaccination rates in Australia, and therefore reducing disease burden and complications.

Speaker: Dr Andrew Baird

Andrew is a General Practitioner in St Kilda, Melbourne, and a Medical Advisor with a medical defense organisation.  He has a background in rural general practice and medical education.

Moderator: Andrew Minton, PhD

Andrew brings a wealth of experience in medical education, medical information, and pharmaceutical industry expertise across various disease areas. Andrew is, in part, responsible for developing both accredited and non-accredited infectious disease education programs for healthcare professionals.

Pertussis Update Webinar


Last updated: Tuesday 03 September 2024