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100 providers turn out for NQPHN regional Essential Skills Road Show workshops in Cairns, Townsville
Registrations open for Mackay workshop on 26 August
07/08/2023 - 9:47
Empowering rural and remote primary healthcare providers in the Whitsunday and Bowen region
In continuing our mission to ensure quality healthcare reaches every corner of the Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) region, dedicated NQPHN staff recently embarked on a three-day road trip, visiting Proserpine, Cannonvale, Bowen, and Collinsville.
22/06/2023 - 9:35
Cairns Tablelands networking lunch in Atherton
As part of NQPHN’s commitment to support health care providers and their staff in rural and remote locations, Primary Care Engagement team members Linda Jowitt and Claire Lawless recently hosted a practice manager network lunch for the Cairns Tablelands general practice managers in Atherton.
09/06/2023 - 11:57