How can we help you today?
End-of-Life Essentials education assists with accreditation
If your role includes preparation for hospital accreditation, the End-of-life Essentials (EOLE) project resources can be of assistance.
23/06/2021 - 8:43
Department of Health study of Australia’s palliative care workforce
The Australian Government Department of Health is currently undertaking a project to study Australia’s palliative care workforce and project the demand for, and supply of, palliative care services into the future. As part of this work, HealthConsult has been engaged to analyse the composition of the palliative care workforce, undertake workforce demand and supply modelling, and develop strategies to address findings. This analysis will directly support and guide future palliative care workforce policy and strategies.
15/04/2021 - 9:39
Region unites to launch palliative care roadmap
Leaders from across the Townsville region launched the Townsville Area Palliative Care Plan 2020-2024, an initiative of Palliative Care Queensland, Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN), and the Townsville Hospital and Health Service.
11/12/2020 - 11:06