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Pain Revolution Rural Outreach Tour
Friday 10 January 2025
Pain Revolution
Do you, or someone you love, live with persisting pain?
Are you ready to learn how understanding pain can help you, and your whole community? Join us for a FREE, easy to understand talk about why your body hurts, why it keeps hurting and what you can do to help it.
Are you a health professional working with people living with persisting pain?
Join us for an interactive multidisciplinary lecture and discussion about the challenge of treating persisting pain, and the opportunities for recovery that have emerged from the research lab.
Are you interested in learning more about the science behind why pain persists, and how people can recover from ongoing pain?
Drop into the Brain Bus, our pain science lab on wheels to experience the power of your brain and how it informs a modern understanding of pain.
Download flyer Last updated: Friday 07 July 2023