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Our Woven Ways: Supporting goal setting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents

Posted Saturday 26 October 2024 | RACGP

Continuing on with the case study explored in the third webinar of this series, Our Woven Ways: Uncovering the worries of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parentsthis webinar will examine ways to support goal setting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents through culturally safe practice.

The practice skills in this demonstration show how professionals can become interested in the stories of hope and resilience in the stories of parents, which help to build confidence and motivation. These skills build trust and collaboration and help parents to describe their plans to make change in ways that will support their child’s social and emotional wellbeing.

In meaningful goal setting, GPs can listen to the ideas and know-how of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents as a basis for making change. This supports the assumption that parents come with histories of doing their best for their children and that they are capable of setting and reaching goals which best support their children. It also ensures that mainstream practice avoids culturally biased or prejudiced practice.

Learning outcomes

  1. Identify parents’ motivators for change, including strengths, skills, other people, hopes and dreams that parents have for their children
  2. Review parents’ histories of goal setting in ways that have supported their child
  3. Connect parents’ goals with their personal values and their hopes for their child

Last updated: Thursday 20 June 2024