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NQPHN is committed to a strong focus on outcomes, whereby all five domains of the Quintuple Aim are used to develop, monitor, review, and evaluate service provision.

If you are a contracted service provider, NQPHN makes the following commitments to you:

  • work with you openly and honestly in a spirit of partnership
  • develop an understanding of providers and the contributions they make to delivering the outcomes
  • share population health and performance data with you
  • consider investing in capacity building and sector development
  • engage with you or your peak body, to design outcome-focused solutions
  • seek your feedback and input when evaluating services.

In working with NQPHN, we would appreciate the following from our contracted service providers:

  • You are required to acknowledge NQPHN’s support in key written documents and at certain events. We have a logo use and branding guidelines document to help.  
  • Sharing good news stories is a great way of communicating with NQPHN and our funders the impacts your services are having in our communities. Please share good news stories with your NQPHN contract manager who will involve the NQPHN Communications and Marketing Team to develop a story, or submit a story idea here

NQPHN has adopted the Quintuple Aim Framework to guide evaluation and monitoring at an outcomes level, considering the range of stakeholders involved in delivering services. NQPHN has committed to a strong focus on outcomes, whereby all five domains of the Quintuple Aim are used to develop, monitor, review, and evaluate service provision. The domains are:

  • improve patient outcomes
  • improved population health outcomes
  • improved health equity
  • improved provider experience
  • value for money.
15 October 2024