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Displaying 193 - 200 of 203 results
Prescription medication - pharmacy

Approved requirements for electronic prescriptions

The Approved requirements for electronic prescriptions (version 0.2 – October 2020) certified on 4…


PBS Special Arrangement extended

The Commonwealth Government has announced that the National Health (COVID-19 Supply of…

Clifton Beach Pharmacy

Pharmacies ready for ePrescribing

The Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) Digital Health Team recently visited…

BreastScreen event in Mackay

BreastScreen event in Mackay

Restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic affected many areas of people’s lives in northern…

Specialist Dementia Care Program

New Specialist Dementia Care Program Unit for North Que...

Good Shepherd Lodge in Mackay is the site of North Queensland’s first Specialist Dementia Care…

Wear a mask to protect yourself against Coronavirus

PPE Buyers Guide

A number of Australian Government agencies have been working together for some months on PPE supply…

Privacy and Security in Healthcare

Privacy and security in healthcare

The Northern Queensland PHN Digital Health Team recently hosted an event in Cairns around privacy…

Inspire Clubhouse

Inspire Clubhouse – rising to the challenge of COVID-19...

While the full mental health impact of COVID-19 is yet to be understood, selectability’s Inspire…