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NQPHN is funded by the Australian Government to commission programs and services. Commissioning is a core activity underpinning all we do.
NQPHN Commissioning Cycle

NQPHN does not provide health services, but rather commissions them and supports service providers to work in a coordinated and connected way that makes it easier for consumers to navigate the service system.

Health care commissioning is defined as the process of 'planning and purchasing health services to meet the health needs of a local population'. It is a continual cycle that involves planning, designing, procuring, monitoring, and evaluating health services to make sure they are improving the health of communities.

NQPHN’s approach to commissioning involves an ongoing collaborative relationship with service providers, clinicians, consumers, and other stakeholders so that services are designed and delivered to meet community needs as identified in NQPHN’s Health Needs Assessment. NQPHN’s Commissioning Framework outlines this approach. NQPHN's commissioning cycle is presented in the diagram below.

All commissioning activity aligns with NQPHN's Strategic Plan.


NQPHN Commissioning Cycle

NQPHN Commissioning Cycle

The Framework includes NQPHN’s commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of First Nations communities and identifies the importance of First Nations involvement in all parts of the commissioning cycle. + This Commissioning Framework outlines Northern Queensland Primary Health Network’s (NQPHN) approach to commissioning.

It communicates our commitment to codesign with our partners and provides a set of principles for making decisions. It also guides consistent and best practice commissioning across the organisation.

Consultation for the development of the Framework was undertaken in early 2022 through a range of approaches, including focus groups and surveys. Stakeholders who participated were member organisations, primary care providers, commissioned service providers, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), and peak bodies.


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15 October 2024