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Displaying 161 - 168 of 302 results
Dr Edward Strivens

Aged care in spotlight at Townsville symposium

Health professionals to be updated on looking after older people

NAIDOC 2022 dinner - Cairns

Cairns NAIDOC dinner

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network staff dressed up and celebrated NAIDOC with style at the…

NAIDOC Week 2022

Throwback to NAIDOC Week 2022

#NAIDOCWeek2022 was an inspiring and memorable opportunity for Northern Queensland Primary Health…

Important update

New GP appointments to NQPHN Board

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) Co-Chairs Tara Diversi and Ben Tooth are pleased…

NAIDOC 2022 photo collage

NAIDOC Week 2022

Northern Queensland PHN (NQPHN) staff are embracing #NAIDOCWeek2022, attending a number of events…

Important update

New interim provider for Integrated Chronic Care (ICC) ...

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) is making changes to the Integrated Chronic Care…

First 1000 days of life workshop Cairns

First 1000 Days of Life ACCHO workshop held in Cairns ...

A critical process in developing the First 1,000 Days of Life Framework includes engaging the…

Important update

ITC program update

We would like to remind everyone that the new model for the ITC program will take effect from 1…

Have your say
As part of our quality system, a feedback process has been introduced to enable us to better understand what we are doing well and what we can improve.