This glossary is for interpreters, translators, and bilingual staff who work with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It provides a list of commonly used terminology relating to mental health and wellbeing, mental health services, mental health and suicide prevention, and stigma reduction.
Key features
- Glossary terms have been translated into 30 languages.
- Consultation has been conducted with community members to ensure broad comprehension of translated terms.
- Includes a brief introductory section on the mental health system in Queensland.
- Expanded sections include mental health and suicide prevention, and stigma reduction terms.
- Dynamic functional buttons for ease of navigation (latest Adobe Reader is required).
- Available to be downloaded or printed.
- Can be viewed on most devices including PC, phone, and tablet.
How can I access the glossary?
Access the glossary through the QTMHC website
Health professionals are encouraged to share this resource with their staff and networks.
For more information contact Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre at or on (07) 3317 1234.