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Supporting children's resilience in general practice

Posted Monday 24 February 2025 | Emerging Minds

This course focuses on the role of primary health care practitioners, including nurses and general practitioners (GPs), in supporting child and family resilience throughout their everyday work. It recognises the important roles that primary care providers play in supporting families early in the life of a difficulty. It acknowledges their role in providing preventative interventions to families where ongoing familial stressors or adversities are likely to have an impact on the child’s mental health and wellbeing.

The training will help you consider the ways you can support resilience in families by helping them to improve communication and meaning-making around adversities they might be experiencing. Doing so will enable families to tap into their collective strengths and resources to overcome these challenges.

Learning outcomes

Following the completion of this course you will be able to:

  • define resilience as it applies to children and families
  • identify entry points to engage in preventative conversations with parents about their children's mental health and overall wellbeing
  • describe how adult issues can affect children’s mental health and wellbeing
  • apply the six principles for engaging parents in conversations about adversity and children’s mental health and wellbeing; and
  • explain how to use the PERCS Conversation Guide, to have conversations with parents about children's mental health and wellbeing.


It is estimated that this course will take you three hours to complete, including reading material and watching videos. It is accredited with the RACGP and ACRRM.

You can undertake the course across multiple sessions at your own pace. The last screen you visit before logging off will be bookmarked, and you will have the option of returning to that screen when you next log in.

All Emerging Minds courses and resources are free.

Last updated: Monday 17 June 2024