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Navigating Heart Health Checks with ease
Tuesday 18 March 2025
Cubiko and the Heart Foundation
With Heart Week coming up on the 6–12 May 2024, Cubiko has teamed up with the Heart Foundation to raise awareness about the importance of heart health.
Join Madi Williams (Cubiko), Niv Chandramohan and Saloni Shah (Heart Foundation) for a one-hour educational session where they will discuss:
- how you can use data to identify patients eligible for heart health checks
- how you can utilise the recently released Australian guideline and calculator for assessing and managing CVD risk to improve CVD risk assessment in your practice
- the steps you can take to incorporate heart checks into routine patient appointments
- how your practice can implement a systematic preventative health approach by implementing Heart Health Check workflows in your practice
- insights into the role data can play in increasing the number of Heart Health Checks being performed in your practice through a quality improvement activity for accreditation.