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Where can I find trusted sources of information?
Whilst media coverage of COVID-19 can help you feel informed, it can also trigger feelings of anxiety and agitation.

To stay up to date with accurate, factual information you can access:

  • The Australian Government COVID-19 website, which is regularly updated with the latest news, alerts, and resources. Please visit the Department of Health website for the most current information
  • The Australian Government Department of Health Coronavirus Australia App (available in the Apple App Store or Google Play)
  • The Australian Government’s WhatsApp channel on iOS or Android for official advice and information in real-time
  • The Queensland Government has detailed information for the community on its website about COVID-19 including what it is, symptoms and prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Further information can be obtained by calling 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
  • The Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) has launched a COVID-19 digital health guide to help Australians find the latest health information and advice about navigating the healthcare system during a time when information overload is widespread.

These websites are all updated daily.

If you are seeking information on COVID-19, call the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you are in need of urgent health assistance, call Triple Zero (000).

The Department of Health website is regularly updated with the latest news, alerts, and resources.

See daily reports from the Department of Health on COVID-19 case numbers and the current situation in Australia and overseas.

Keep up to date with the Department of Health’s COVID-19 news and media.

07 February 2022